Common name:Sky Flower. Golden Dew-Drop
Botanical name:Duranta erecta
This vining shrub grows from 15'-25' tall and 8'-12' wide. This plant blooms profusely with clusters of blue flowers all through the summer. Orange-yellow berries follow the flowers. Full sun and regular water are necessary to keep this shrub looking and performing its best.
Common name:Turkish Hazelnut or Filbert
Botanical name:Corylus colurna
Turkish Hazel is a deciduous tree. It is pyramidal in form, usually 40'-50' tall and about half as wide, with leaves to 6" long. It produces small clusters of edible nuts.
Putting the right plants in the right places in the right groupings is both the challenge and art of good landscape design.
Click in the green box for more information
Designer: Stephanie Blanc | Cozy Patio |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.