Stream Tucked Away
California Poppy, Golden Poppy
Red Star Autumn Sage
Blue Blossom Ceanothus
Spiny Rush
California Poppy, Golden Poppy

Common name:California Poppy, Golden Poppy
Botanical name:Eschscholzia californica

This small annual (sometimes acts as a perennial) plant will grow to less than 1' tall and has light, small blue green leaves with gold and orange flowers that bloom in spring and summer.

Red Star Autumn Sage

Common name:Red Star Autumn Sage
Botanical name:Salvia greggii 'Red Star'

This shrub will grow 1'-4' tall and 1'-4' wide. It has glossy green leaves with red flowers that bloom from fall to spring.

Blue Blossom Ceanothus

Common name:Blue Blossom Ceanothus
Botanical name:Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark'

The blue blossom ceanothus is a shrub that has dark blue flower clusters that bloom profusely. This smaller growing selection grows to 6' high and 4'-6' wide. This shrub attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and beneficial insects. Its native counterpart can be found from sea level to 1500' elevations in mixed evergreen and redwood forests of the Coast Ranges. -Cornflower Farms

Spiny Rush

Common name:Spiny Rush
Botanical name:Juncus acutus

This native Rush grows naturally in moist alkaline soils especially in coastal salt marshes. As one of the larger native Rushes, growing to 3'-4' tall and 3'-4' wide, it can provide interest through form and structure in a natural garden setting. It is carefree-looking. The tips of the leaves are sharp so care should be taken when designing the landscape not to place this species close to walkways, etc. Tall grasses are highly combustible.

Solving Runoff Problems

Importance of Watershed

A watershed is a land area that drains rain and other water into a creek, river, lake, wetland, or groundwater aquifer. Water from your neighborhood also enters the watershed through the storm drain system and flows directly to local creeks without any treatment. It often is contaminated by pollutants that can be toxic to fish, wildlife, and people.

Click in the green box for more information

Designer: Stephanie Blanc

Stream Tucked Away

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.